Saturday, January 9, 2010

The most admirable women in America

Last week the Internet news reported results of a survey asking who were the "most admirable women in America." Of course most of the votes went to some of the well known political figures such as Hillary, Sarah and Oprah, but what do those voters know?

When I asked Sylvia what women she admired the most, her thoughtful decision was that it was our daughters!

Now that may sound a bit prejudiced, but I have thought
a lot about that issue since then and have decided that I totally agree.

We are so richly blessed to have such wonderful women in our family!

You ladies are such fabulous mothers, wives, daughters, citizens and Latter-Day-Saints that I very truly can't think of anyone in the world that I admire more!

Our family is the most important thing in the world to us, and we love you.

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